line supervisor

Real-time productivity indicators and warnings that helps directing the line manager for quick action and better results.

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production history

Historical charts with automated analysis, that indicates how practices result in the best or the worst scenarios. And this way making the contiuous improvements process easier.

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Simple Install

Data are colected through our wireless hardware. Allowing a risckless and swift install, even on old and legacy machines

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Available Features
for the most diverse segments

Productivity indicators

Indicators such as OEE, machine productivity and time worked are automatically generated, analyzed and made available on our dashboards

Stops Management

Know exactly why your line has stopped. Our system makes stop-recording much simpler and faster. Along with alerts, we will not let any stop pass without being identified.



Nothing goes unnoticed by our supervision. Any production anomaly is notified by email or SMS.


Indicators and warnings must be where you are. The platform is accessible for computers, tablets and cellphones

Our Install Process

We work fine-tuning our installation process as quickly as possible
with full guarantee of results for our customers.


Meeting to better understand the challenges of your production line and propose potential solutions. With that draw a possible proof of concept.


Technical visit

Visit to formalize the installation of our data collector hardware, and carry out proof of concept and verification of technical feasibility.

3 up to 8 days


Depoy hardwares on field, preparation of cloud dashboards and working tests.

3 up tu 10 days

Conctact us

Belo Horizonte, MG

Get in touch to know better our solution and schedule a proof of concept.

© 2018 - indWise